Compassionate Voice

"The session was everything I hoped it would be and more...I left feeling relaxed as well as energised for the day. Claire's lovely nature will immediately make you feel welcome and at ease"​
I am a certified Level 2 Breath-Body-Mind teacher. The Breath-Body-Mind programme of practices have been developed by Dr Richard Brown and Dr Patricia Gerbarg, who are experts in the field. The practices unite evidence-based science and ancient wisdoms, blending elements of pranayama, qigong, meditation and relaxation with core breathing patterns.
My years of performing and teaching singing have also informed my understanding of the breath and ways in which we can seek to optimise our breathing. Whether your focus is on reducing anxiety, helping sleeplessness or improving focus/energy levels, I can help you learn to breathe more effectively and become confident in Breath-Body-Mind techniques that support your physical and mental wellbeing.
Research indicates that BBM practices can help:
Reduce Stress/Anxiety
Increasing feelings of Calm
Improve Autonomic Nervous System Balance
Improve Heart Rate Variability
Enhance Concentration
Aid Emotional Balance
Improve Sleep issues
Reduce PTSD symptoms
Please click the appropriate button for further details, including prices:

Client Testimonials
"I thoroughly enjoyed the course. Claire is a passionate and enthusiastic practitioner of her area of specialism. The course has taught me to take time for myself and equipped me with techniques to slow and calm myself. I will definitely benefit from this going forward, incorporating breathwork into my daily routine"
"Claire provides an easy, welcoming and friendly way to access Breathwork. Once I started the course I committed to practice breathing daily, and almost immediately my sleep improved. Now that I've read the science behind breathwork, I am looking forward to more health benefits"
"Sessions with Claire have taught me that I can access calm through breathwork when I need it the most"
"I found the course very helpful and the lady running it was open, charming and life-enhancing...I would happily do the course again myself"
"A funny thing happened at circuit training on Thursday. I found myself breathing through my nose differently - without having consciously thought of doing it. This was the first class I've got through without coughing or wheezing"
What can expect a Breathwork session to be like ?
One-to-one sessions allow me to concentrate purely on your breathing style, and to adapt exercises and techniques to support you individually, so sessions vary according to each clients needs. An example Breathwork session might include the following:
​Movement exercises to energise the body
Gentle Qi-gong inspired movement practices, combined with pacing of the breath to balance the nervous system
Pranayama techniques such as alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana) to help promote calm
Coherent Breathing Practice - pacing the breath with an equal inhalation and exhalation ratio
Breath Moving - using the imagination to move the breath to different places within the body
Relaxation exercises
Why do I need to learn how to Breathe? Surely I have been doing it all my life ?
This is a question I often come across! Breathing is, of course, something that we do all day, every day. In many ways, breathing is something that we take for granted, yet it has a fundamental impact on our physical, mental and emotional health, as James Nestor explains in his best-selling book 'Breathe: The New Science of a Lost Art';
"There is nothing more essential to our health and well-being than breathing: take air in, let it out, repeat twenty-five thousand times a day. Yet, as a species, humans have lost the ability to breathe correctly, with grave consequences"
Our breathing can be negatively impacted by a complex range of physical, mental and environmental issues. Whilst our breathing is predominantly automatic and does not usually require any thought, it can be consciously controlled and this provides us with a wonderful tool with which we can improve many areas of our health and wellbeing.
I have some health issues, would these prevent me from taking part in Breathwork sessions ?
Breath-Body-Mind practices are very gentle and are trauma-informed. All new clients fill in a short health questionnaire to alert me to any potential contraindications and allow me to either refer on or tailor practices accordingly.
Would I be more suited to a one-to-one or group Breathwork session ?
There are generally no hard and fast rules about this and it is very much up to each individuals requirements and personal experience. One-to-one sessions are by their nature more individualised and permit me to offer more specific advice and guidance than is possible in a group session. I am always happy to chat on email and can give my recommendations. Broadly, if you feel that you really struggle in some way with your breathing and/or find group situations difficult, it can be helpful to start with some one-to-one work. Equally, some people find that the group sessions are preferable and an enjoyable way of connecting with others; there is always the opportunity to engage in one-to-one work in combination with the group sessions too, if you feel that you have questions or an issue which might benefit from an individualised approach.